DEAR ABBY: I am a 28-year-old, reasonably attractive woman. I dress stylishly and wear subtle makeup. I am very nearsighted and wear glasses because I can't tolerate hard or soft contact lenses. (Believe me, I have tried.)
Abby, it infuriates me when men (whether they are dates or not), casual acquaintances or co-workers think I should feel complimented when they say, "You'd be much prettier without your glasses."
I am sometimes tempted to say, "And you'd be even more handsome with a little more hair on your head -- or less padding around your middle." Or, "You'd be a much nicer person if you had better manners!"
Abby, please tell these oafs to look in a mirror before they start giving women fashion advice. Thanks. -- FOUR EYES AND WELL-ADJUSTED
DEAR WELL-ADJUSTED: Resist that old saw, "The best defense is a good offense."
Heed the wise words of author Letty Cottin Pogrebin: "Men who never make passes at women with glasses are asses."
Also consider the advantage for those who wear glasses: In a romantic situation, when the glasses are removed, it's a clear signal that someone is going to get kissed!