DEAR ABBY: I'm pregnant with my first baby. I use Facebook to update my family in another country about my pregnancy and the little milestones that have happened. But when I do, my cousin "Rita" takes it upon herself to turn every status I post into something about her and her daughter. I feel like she's trying to one-up me or divert attention away from my child. We come from a big, tight-knit family and until now, her daughter was the baby of the family.
Rita has been doing this for months now, and I'm starting to get annoyed. How can I tell her politely to please stop stealing my thunder and turning everything into something about her? -- ANNOYED IN THE WEST
DEAR ANNOYED: Whether she's doing it consciously or not, it does appear that Cousin Rita is competitive with you. It would be interesting to know if she has always been this way.
You can't stop her from competing, but you can develop a sense of humor where she's concerned. Her bids for attention are really rather sad, and once your baby arrives, he or she will be the baby of the family -- until Rita becomes pregnant again, that is. (I'm tempted to start the countdown now.)