DEAR ABBY: I run a local chapter of an online fan group. We are getting T-shirts made and I asked everyone to vote on the colors for the shirts. After most of the group members agreed on two colors, one of them said her son, who has Asperger's syndrome, does not allow those colors in their house and asked if we could use different ones.
I'm sympathetic to her child's needs, but at the same time, I told the group that the majority vote wins. What should I do? I don't want to offend her, but I also don't want to go back on what I told the group. -- MEREDITH IN GEORGIA
DEAR MEREDITH: I assume that these T-shirts are not meant to be worn all the time. Suggest to the woman that she not wear the T-shirt when she's at home, but only when she's involved in fan group outings. That should solve the problem.