DEAR ABBY: A tall, attractive man came into the insurance office where I work to buy an auto insurance policy. I haven't talked with men outside of my church in a long time, so I was nervous. I thought my heart would explode from beating so fast.
He will be coming back in a couple of weeks, and I'm afraid if I don't ask him out, I will regret it. I don't know how to approach him or ask a guy out at all. Help! -- NERVOUS OUT WEST
DEAR NERVOUS: The man may be married, so take it slow. If he comes in before noon, casually mention there's a restaurant not far away that serves good food and offer to show him. If he comes in later, use the old "want to grab a cup of coffee?" gambit. Either of these will give you a chance to talk with him and find out more about him without being overly obvious.