DEAR ABBY: I was recently told by a neighbor that if he wasn't married, he would make a pass at me. It made me feel kind of bad, especially the next day when I saw his wife.
My niece said I shouldn't feel bad because it was a compliment and I should be glad I still attract attention at 60. My feeling is, if you think about it -- it's infidelity.
Am I wrong or too stringent in my thinking? -- OLD-FASHIONED LADY IN OREGON
DEAR OLD-FASHIONED: I think what your neighbor said was less "infidelity" than "lust in his heart." But in a sense, he did make a pass because when he said what he did, he signaled to you that he could be interested.
Cut him some slack this time and chalk it up to having been paid a compliment. But if he says it again, tell him it bothers you because you like his wife and think it's insulting to her.