DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, I married a kind, hard-working man I'll call Travis. These two years have been the best of my life, and I couldn't imagine a better husband. However, I just got some news I feel is threatening our marriage.
Travis' friend from childhood, "Bethany," wants to start a family with her wife. Travis informed me that he agreed to donate his sperm to Bethany so she can become pregnant. I feel betrayed. My husband will be starting a family with his friend before we have kids! I know it may seem irrational, but I feel like he's cheating on me.
When I told him how I felt, he said I was being selfish and it was his decision. He also said it wouldn't matter because he isn't going to help raise the child. Does Travis really have the right to donate his sperm without my consent? If so, how do I suppress my anger toward him and Bethany? -- FUMING IN THE MIDWEST
DEAR FUMING: You are asking some intelligent questions, but ones that should be answered by an attorney. Your husband may be the nicest, most generous man on the planet, but there are contingencies that need to be taken into consideration before Bethany becomes pregnant. Please suppress your anger long enough to convince Travis that he shouldn't rush into this agreement without legal counsel. He may thank you for it later.