DEAR HARRIETTE: Whenever my girlfriend and I are intimate, she showers immediately after. At first it was just her, but now she forces me to join her in a post-intercourse shower. In these showers, I’ve noticed that she scrubs relentlessly -- ferociously, even. It scares me a bit because I wonder what she’s trying to get rid of or wash away. She also changes the sheets as soon as we shower. As you can imagine, this is a tedious routine to keep up with at night when all I want to do is pass out. What do you think all this is about? -- Clean Freak
DEAR CLEAN FREAK: Seems that your girlfriend has some deep-rooted discomfort about sexual intimacy. For some reason, she associates it with uncleanliness. Perhaps something happened in her childhood that scarred her. Maybe she listened to religious dogma about having sex before marriage being a sin, and she is trying to wash the sin away. The only way you will know is to ask her.
Be tender. Tell her you have noticed the things that she does after sex, and you want to know why she has these rituals. Invite her to talk about her feelings, and ask her about her sexual history, if you haven’t already. Use this as the beginning of a conversation. It’s unlikely you will learn everything that is concerning her at first. Over time, hopefully you will find the source of her issues and strike a comfortable balance so you can sleep. For example, suggest putting a towel on the sheets so you can take that away rather than all of the bedding.