January 19 - 25, 2025
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Donate your time, energy or skills to something you believe in on the 19th, 20th and 21st, and you'll make lasting friendships and connections that enhance your life and expand your mind and ability to succeed. Refuse to let anger seep in when your power comes from bringing about peaceful alternatives. Be bold, inspirational and kind. Focus on home, finances and health on the 22nd and 23rd. Check in on institutional programs that can help you make your dreams come true and health regimens that will get you in tip-top shape to execute your plans to excel personally and professionally. On the 24th and 25th, an opportunity someone offers will need more staying power than they suggest. Refrain from giving up something tangible for something lacking in substance.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Choose your words carefully on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Put anger aside before you respond to someone's demands. A positive attitude can lead to an opportunity that encourages higher earning potential or an investment that pays off. Patience and understanding will lead to domestic improvements that improve your life. Slide into the 22nd and 23rd with an open mind and the intent to enforce a healthier routine physically, emotionally and financially. A positive change in how you navigate your relationships with others will ensure you lose less sleep and maintain peace of mind. Keep your financial position and thoughts to yourself on the 24th and 25th. You will encounter emotional and economic loss if you get involved in a venture with anyone asking for too much or promising the impossible.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Look at the big picture before committing or taking on more than you can handle on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Life is about balance, setting boundaries and harvesting what you can from what you have. Live and learn from each experience you encounter, and channel your energy into something that benefits you and everyone around you. Make a positive mark, and you'll make a difference. Turn your passion into something lucrative on the 22nd and 23rd. Sign up for a seminar, or volunteer to help an organization work toward improving something that concerns you. Be part of the solution, not the problem. You'll find it difficult to see through people's intentions on the 24th and 25th. Bide your time, observe and look for signs that reveal the truth.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Keep tabs on where your money goes on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Avoid getting involved in a partnership dependent on an investment or shared expenses. Look inward and discover you have what it takes to move forward. A positive change to how you handle and earn your cash looks promising. Believe in yourself, and pursue your goals with confidence. Positive change is up to you. Explore the possibilities on the 22nd and 23rd. Attend a networking function, socialize and sign up for an activity that brings you in touch with like-minded people, and something good will transpire. Romance is on the rise. Listen, research and don't hesitate to say no on the 24th and 25th. Problems with legal matters, institutions and misleading people are apparent.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Pay attention to how others respond on the 19th, 20th and 21st. You'll gain insight into what you can do to make situations flow better and discover the best way to get others to side with you. A change someone makes may irk you initially, but in hindsight, you'll realize what unfolds is to your benefit. Put your emotions on the shelf on the 22nd and 23rd, and let the dust settle. Keep life simple, keep your thoughts to yourself and avoid drama. An event you attend will change how you feel about your future, professional direction or where you reside. Keep your spending to a minimum and temptation at arm's length on the 24th and 25th. It's essential to choose common sense over impractical choices.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Creative thinking on the 19th, 20th and 21st will buy you time to adjust your plans to fit in what you want to pursue. Spending time with people who make you think and encourage you to grow mentally will help to formulate what you do next and how and where you live. It's time to say no to excess and build a minimalist lifestyle that supports your financial needs. A change of scenery on the 22nd and 23rd will spark your imagination and point you in a direction that leads to new beginnings, romance and activities that put a smile on your face. Step back on the 24th and 25th, and walk away from indulgent behavior or situations that are detrimental to your health.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Slow down on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Give yourself a chance to breathe and assess what's best for you. Consider your financial or legal position and what you can do to ensure you stay within what you can afford. Explore the possibilities and how you can achieve peace of mind and a lifestyle that suits your needs, and put a plan in motion. On the 22nd and 23rd, pick up knowledge and skills, and connect to those who can help you diversify and advance in a fast-paced world; you will find the path to stability and financial security. Be careful who you share information with on the 24th and 25th. Someone will be eager to scam you or take credit for your ideas.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Keep a low profile on the 19th, 20th and 21st, and you'll slide under the radar of someone trying to outmaneuver you. Get involved in events conducive to self-improvement, creative endeavors and romance. Enjoy what life has to offer. Focus on what makes you happy, and back away from situations you cannot change or control. Travel and educational pursuits are in your best interest and will lead to new friends. On the 22nd and 23rd, refraining from overanalyzing when getting out and seeing what life offers will help you decipher what's best and worthwhile for you to pursue. Keep your money, possessions and personal information safe on the 24th and 25th. If you leave yourself vulnerable to scammers, someone will quickly take advantage of you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): On the 19th, 20th and 21st, focus on simplifying your life instead of magnifying everything you hear and see. Too much of anything will lead to trouble, overspending, indulgent behavior and taking on more than you can comfortably handle. Back up, consider what matters most and limit what you do to ensure you achieve your objectives. Refuse to get caught in someone else's dilemma. Work quietly on the 22nd and 23rd, and you'll accomplish the most. Set boundaries to avoid temptations others put in your way. Put your time, money and energy into building equity, not debt. Excess is the enemy on the 24th and 25th. You can have fun without overdoing it or agreeing to participate in something you cannot afford. Recognize who is using emotional manipulation to undermine you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don't mix emotions and money on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Learn from your experience, and use your charm and intelligence to outmaneuver anyone trying to tempt or lead you astray. Channel your energy into activities that challenge you personally and guide you in looking, feeling and doing your best. Search for the truth, and walk away from people and situations that are volatile. Concentrate on work, responsibilities and getting ahead on the 22nd and 23rd. Your dedication and actions will lead to success and satisfaction. Celebrate with someone you love. Proceed with caution on the 24th and 25th. Verify information before passing it along or acting in good faith. Don't buy into someone's hard-luck story or pay for their mistake. Do what's best for you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Invest in you, your environment and your lodgings on the 19th, 20th and 21st. Aim for convenient, comfortable surroundings conducive to taking care of business, setting up a sideline business or setting boundaries that spare you from putting up with emotionally draining outside influences. Put your energy where it counts, and it will bring you the highest return. It's time to put yourself first. An emotional situation will escalate on the 22nd and 23rd, causing an unexpected change. Stay calm and look for a unique and affordable way to deal with matters swiftly, and you'll turn a negative situation into something positive. Limit what you share on the 24th and 25th. Keep your emotions hidden and your plans a secret. Focus on your domestic responsibilities and lifestyle improvements.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Establish what you want before you share your plans and ideas with others on the 19th, 20th and 21st, and you'll avoid interference from someone who doesn't like your choices. Your stability depends on how you take charge of whatever you encounter; believe in yourself as well as your ability to do what's best for you. Personal gains, growth and physical self-improvement will boost your confidence, leading to opportunities. Keep the momentum flowing on the 22nd and 23rd, and invest more time, money and energy into what you want to achieve. Romance is in the stars, and socializing is favored. Retreat on the 24th and 25th, and recap what's transpiring before you agree to something questionable. When in doubt or under emotional pressure, back away.