The coming week is likely to see a great many individuals tackling alone what was usually, even routinely, one or more group efforts -- and there’s not likely to be anything routine about them at this time! It’s important that everyone keep their physical, emotional and psychological health at the forefront of their minds, as there’s not likely to be much forgiveness granted to those who let such things slide -- and the potentially long-term effects of doing so may prove quite dramatic and difficult to reverse.
Those with particular projects in mind may not be able to think of anything else this week -- at least during waking hours. But even dreams will be affected by all that is going on at this time, and some may find it difficult to sleep -- and that can lead to all manner of distress that is best avoided.
ARIES (March 21-April 4) -- You may wish to avoid all manner of distraction this week, but getting a loved one to understand this and other needs may require careful explaining. (April 5-April 19) -- Your days aren’t likely to be routine in any real sense this week, but there are a few core values you can cling to that will keep things from becoming nonsensical to you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 5) -- You may have to deal with numbers a lot more than usual this week. If help is available, by all means, take advantage of it -- especially later on. (May 6-May 20) -- You can use an assignment as a creative outlet this week, and you’re likely to find you’re willing to go above and beyond in a way you haven’t for some time. Enjoy the work.
GEMINI (May 21-June 6) -- Communication from afar is likely to keep things going in the right direction this week -- provided you remember to have all tools with you at all times. (June 7-June 20) -- You must be sure that collaborators have the information they need to keep up with you this week. You are more prepared than anyone else to move at a fast pace.
CANCER (June 21-July 7) -- You may want to try something this week that you’ve not dabbled in before. You’ll have to get permission, of course -- and a little coaching, too. (July 8-July 22) -- Now is the time for you to pull out all the stops and do all that you can to ensure the success of a project into which a great many others have invested time and resources.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) -- An offer comes your way today that not only has you believing in yourself a little more, but that also serves to bolster your reputation among certain circles. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) -- Be on the lookout for that which you think will prove instrumental in your eventual success this week. You may be compelled to go to the source and track its progress.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) -- The gravity of a certain situation that evolves quickly as the week opens will have you making certain decisions that surprise you -- and others too. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) -- Playing the waiting game can actually be enjoyable for you this week, especially if you are associated with others who know how to make extra time pay off a little.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) -- You’ve been putting something off quite a bit lately, and you’re likely to realize this week that the opportunity to do it is evaporating. Get it done! (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) -- What seems a sham at first may prove genuine upon closer inspection, and that is likely to make all the difference this week. You’ll know who to trust at last!
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) -- Punctuality will prove quite important throughout the week, and how you behave will serve as a model for those with less experience than you. Toe the line. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) -- You may find yourself dealing with something this week that has caused you no end of worry in the past. This time everything is different -- but don’t overthink this at all!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) -- Access to something you very much need may be limited this week, so you’ll want to be sure that you get to the head of the line as soon as you can! (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) -- You may be alarmed by what happens as the week opens, but later on, you’ll be able to settle into a pattern of response that’s more productive than you thought possible.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) -- You may find yourself resisting the suggestions of others you usually trust -- but this week this has to do with a certain misunderstanding. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) -- Take care that you ask of others this week only those things which can be done. You don’t want to expect so much that you cause anyone around you to lose confidence.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) -- Things may prove much more colorful to you this week than expected, and you have something to do with this that those near you understand better than you. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) -- You’re eager to work closely with a certain someone this week, but take care you don’t let yourself believe that something can happen that is simply not possible right now.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) -- You must prepare yourself for something that is not quite as you have expected it for quite some time. This week, some things will come to you upside down. (March 6-March 20) -- An old habit is hard to break -- usually. This week, however, you can dispense with an old pattern of behavior that is simply not effective anymore in any real way.