DEAR DR. BLONZ: I am a 25-year-old, 6-foot-2, 164-pound man. I am writing because of what I consider to be a racing metabolism, as I have been wanting to put on a bit of flesh to fill what is typically described by friends as my “drawn face.” What kind of foods can I eat so that my body will start to fill out, but do so in a healthy way? -- G.J., Seattle, Washington
DEAR G.J.: While most might consider obesity as the only problem associated with body weight, many, like yourself, cannot fill out their form as they would prefer. Several factors can contribute to the “racing metabolism” you describe, but this is definitely a topic to be raised with your health professional. A contributing factor could be if one or both of your parents are also slim, as that body type may be your genetic legacy. There are also possible medical/hormonal reasons for excess thinness, which is another reason to raise this with your physician before you turn to diet, supplements or exercise for answers.
Assuming there are no health issues to consider, and you get the go-ahead, adding calories in a way that’s healthful and with foods you will enjoy is key. Several calorie-concentrated milkshake products are in the market. These products contain hundreds of calories, and if taken in addition to your regular diet, will help you gain weight. Go slowly to allow your body to adapt to this regimen change.
A weight-training program is another consideration. Although the thought of exercise may run contrary to the idea of losing weight, the bulking up experienced by lifters could give you some say over how your form fills out. Also, remember to stay well hydrated, an important element for any healthy weight.
For a general discussion of body weight, see For suggestions for some healthful, high-calorie snacks, see
DEAR DR. BLONZ: My neighbor grilled fish recently, and it was a great meal. Leftovers were put in containers to go into the freezer, but they were inadvertently left on the counter overnight. The next morning, as soon as it was discovered, she put them in the freezer. She told me that freezing would kill any bacteria that might have grown during the night. She wouldn’t believe me when I told her that was not a good idea and that she or her family could get sick from eating these leftovers. She said she can defrost and cook them in the microwave. Is this a safe practice? Does freezing kill bacteria? Not to mention what it might taste like. -- C.A., Chicago, Illinois
DEAR C.A.: Freezing suspends growth but does not kill bacteria in this situation. When a food defrosts, microbial growth picks up where it left off on the counter. Eating foods left out in the way you describe represents a roll of the food-safety dice. There’s no safety guarantee even if you were to pay special attention to cooking the food thoroughly after being defrosted. In my opinion, the safest course is to toss the stuff. For more on the food safety temperatures, see
Send questions to: "On Nutrition," Ed Blonz, c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Send email inquiries to Due to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.