DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My husband is usually one of the coolest people I know. He is smart, funny, kind, and brave in situations I could never face. But when he gets even slightly sick or mildly injured, he is a bigger baby than our three-year-old and our nine-month-old baby.
I know I shouldn’t lose patience with my husband, but good god, when he is home with a cold, I have a toddler and an infant (who has yet to sleep through the night!) already keeping me on the run.
How do I tell my biggest baby I have other things I need to do more than take care of him when he is home sick for a day or two? --- HAVE AN EXTRA BABY ON MY HANDS
DEAR HAVE AN EXTRA BABY ON MY HANDS: If your husband’s as smart and kind as you say he is — and even if he isn’t — I would hope he’s up to being told that, while you feel sorry for how lousy he feels, you also need him to be an adult and fend for himself when he’s home sick with relatively minor complaints, so you can take care of the people who rightfully need and deserve your attention.