DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: When we were dating, I used to think it was kind of cool that I had a girlfriend who was as into sports, especially football and basketball, as I am. Fast forward to two years into our marriage, and I now find it really annoying sometimes when my wife gets so nuts about her teams and their games, that if her favorite is playing mine, she won’t talk to me for at least two days if her guys lose to mine.
I don’t want to stop watching sports with my wife, but how do I get her to understand it’s only a game? --- MARRIED TO AN UBERFAN
DEAR MARRIED TO AN UBERFAN: Since your relationship was in part founded on a shared enjoyment of sports, it’s not surprising your wife has continued to embrace her passion. However, it may be time you openly share your feelings that her over-the-top reactions are taking the pleasure out of watching games with her, especially since it sounds like she’s holding you personally responsible for her teams’ defeats. She may not realize she’s doing that, and if she can take even a small step back to see how her behavior bothers you, maybe she can work on curbing her enthusiasm.
Hopefully, in addition to watching sports, you and your wife have other hobbies you can do together or separately. If not, it might be a good thing to develop some. Few marriages can thrive on only one common interest — especially one that naturally inspires competition.