DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I get truly killer periods. Nothing does more than take the edge off the pain, and the bleeding is so heavy I have to change my pad every two hours.
My mom took me to her ob/gyn to see what can be done and we are trying different things to make it less hard on me every month. The doctor talked to my mom and me about starting me on the pill as one option. We are also working with different ways to get the most out of the OTC painkillers before starting on prescription kinds, some of which have some not fun side effects.
My dad grew up with brothers and a mother who once told me her periods lasted three days and she barely ever felt any cramps. So he thinks I am just making a lot of this up to get attention and time off from school. He also told me I am too young to be on the pill. My mom always sides with me against my dad, because even though she doesn’t have as hard a time as I do, she knows how painful the cramps can be and how embarrassing it is when you bleed past your pad.
What do I need to do to convince my dad that all this is real? --- IT’S REAL
DEAR IT’S REAL: For all our willingness to openly and candidly talk about some of the most personal aspects of our lives, the topic of menstruation still seems to set many people on edge. Even if the men in our lives are sympathetic and supportive, I don’t know too many who want to hear the details of a woman’s cycle.
One way you might be able to convince your father about the reality of your difficult periods is to have him go with you and your mother on an upcoming consultation visit with your ob/gyn.
Hearing from a medical professional how genuine your symptoms are would back up what you and your mother have been telling him, and hopefully convince him this is a medical issue and not merely a figment of your imagination.