DEAR ABBY: Our problem is our son, John (not his real name). He is 16 years old and thinks he is in love. The girl he thinks he's in love with is 21 and she's in a big hurry to get married.
John will be barely 18 when he graduates from high school. He had planned to go to a four-year college, plus three years of law school, and his father and I were prepared to finance his college education.
Now he tells us that his girlfriend wants to get married as soon as he turns 18. Abby, we have nothing against this girl; we just wish they would wait until he finishes at least four years of college. I think she figures that since we've agreed to support John all through his college years, we would support both of them if they were married. John is a very bright kid, but this girl has him wrapped around her finger. Please tell us what to do. -- JOHN'S MOM
DEAR MOM: Perhaps if you were to tell John that if he marries at 18 he will have to finance his own college education, he may reconsider marrying so young. It may also give his girlfriend reason to reconsider.