DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have “one of those faces,” the kind where people confuse me for someone else all the time. It’s easy enough to be polite when someone thinks they saw me at karaoke last night, when I was actually home watching a movie.
But sometimes I will meet someone who insists that I am somebody else, saying things like “Your parents are [people I’ve never met]” or “You’re married to [a complete stranger].” They simply will not accept that I am not the person they think I am.
Most recently, I met someone at a party who insisted we had met at another party, years ago, in a city I have never visited. He then got upset with me when I said I had never even been to that state before and started saying rude things about my home state.
It’s easy enough to shrug and say “maybe” when someone thinks they met me years ago, and we can all have a laugh when someone realizes that wasn’t me they met last Tuesday at the bowling alley. But is there a polite way to handle someone rewriting my entire biography because I look like someone else?
GENTLE READER: “I’m afraid you are mistaken,” said as many times as necessary until your accuser gives up -- or you find it necessary to excuse yourself in exasperation.