DEAR MISS MANNERS: I travel frequently, and I have noticed that airports are reducing the number of seats at the gates. I will arrive at the gate more than an hour before boarding, only to find all the seats already taken -- except for the three holding someone's coats and pillows, or the one next to a couple with their luggage on it.
If I ask, I am told that they are holding the seat for a friend. Many times, that friend never shows up, or arrives 90 minutes later, when the plane is boarding.
While I am not elderly, standing in one spot for over an hour is uncomfortable. Is there a polite way to ask if I could just use the seat until their friend gets back? I would be happy to give up the seat at that time; I just want to sit down for a few minutes.
GENTLE READER: It is perfectly polite to say exactly that.
If you are up for it, Miss Manners thinks it would also be fun to just stand there, looking more frail and elderly than you are, until they finally give up.
Fun, she realizes, is relative. But at the airport, the bar is already pretty low.