DEAR HARRIETTE: During a family trip with my in-laws this holiday season, everyone gathered, including my wife and her sister, brother-in-law and nephew. I've never been close to my wife's family. They've made jokes insinuating that I'm snobbish due to our differing backgrounds. On Christmas Eve, I found out that there was a planned lunch to which everyone was invited except me. My wife mentioned they assumed I wouldn't enjoy the food and decided I'd prefer my own plans. I ended up skipping lunch when they invited me after I asked about it and booking the first flight home without notifying anyone. Was this an overreaction on my part? -- I’m Out
DEAR I’M OUT: You got their attention, that’s for sure. Could you have handled the situation differently? Yes. But to be left out in the way that you were had to have felt like complete rejection. That your wife was part of it only makes the whole situation worse.
I do have to ask you if you make an effort to be cordial with your wife’s family. You don’t have to be best friends, but it is wise to find ways to enjoy their company. If you are a grouch when you are together, they may be justified in leaving you out. Reflect back on your behavior to assess whether “snobbish” is the right word -- or is it “rude”? How do you treat them?
Talk to your wife about the situation. Work together to figure out a way for you to spend time with her family without it being hostile. The goal is for it to be warm and friendly.