Percentage of managers who would be classified as "beach bums," described as the type of manager who sits around wasting their time and others' time, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive: 9
Percentage of managers who would be classified as "scuba divers," managers who can produce solutions but require instruction and assistance to do so: 32
Percentage of managers who would be classified as "free divers," strategic leaders who are able to continuously come up with the big ideas that move the business forward: 30
Source: Harris Interactive.
Percentage of single male online daters who said that they would consider having a "no strings attached baby" and father a child with a gal pal, according to a poll conducted by 47
Percentage of single women who have admitted that they have thought a lot about approaching a single guy friend to father their child: 43
Percentage rise in out-of-wedlock births among women ages 30 to 34 since 2002, according to a May 2009 report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 34
Percentage of the U.S. public that says cars are a necessity, not a luxury that can be lived without, according to a Pew Social Trends survey: 88
Source: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
Number of children and adults enrolled in school throughout the U.S. in October 2007 -- from nursery school to college, comprising 27 percent of the entire population 3 years old and older, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 76 million
The projected number of U.S. students to be enrolled in elementary through high school (grades K-12) this fall: 56 million
Projected percentage of elementary through high school students enrolled in private schools this fall: 11
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Percentage of executives who believe innovation happens by accident at their company, according to a Deloitte online poll: 31
Percentage of respondents who say their companies encourage innovation as a mandate: 25
Percentage who reported the word innovation is not applicable in their company's structure: 12
Source: Deloitte.
While the recent Cash For Clunkers program did boost new car sales, percentage of the expected decline in used car sales in 2009 that can be attributed to the program, according to industry research firm IBISWorld: 7
Estimated number of new car sales this year (20.5 percent lower than in 2008): 10.5 million
Source: IBISWorld.
In the next 12 months, estimated percentage of employers who plan to hire full-time employees, according to a survey conducted on behalf of Robert Half International and CareerBuilder: 50
Percentage who will hire contract, temporary or project workers: 40
Percentage who will hire part-time employees: 40
Source: Robert Half Finance and Accounting.
Ranks of air conditioning, balcony, deck, patio, porch or yard, on-site swimming pool, in-unit washer and dryer, and Internet access on the list of apartment amenities renters treasure most during this time of year, according to a survey by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Percentage of survey respondents who said access to desirable apartment amenities impact where they choose to live: 90
Percentage of respondents who said location and neighborhood have the biggest impact on their decision to choose one apartment over another if rent is not an issue: 35
Nearly eight years after the 9/11 tragedy, percentage of Americans who say that concern over safety and security will not deter them from traveling overseas, according to results of a survey commissioned by the U.S. Travel Insurance Association: 73
Percentage who say safety and security issues would influence their choice of an international destination: 60
Source: Kundell Communications.
Percentage of Americans who would be outraged, boycott games, sell their season tickets and publicly protest their former favorite team if Michael Vick was signed to their favorite football team, according to ZT Pet News poll: 46
Percentage who said that although they were not a football fan, they think he should be allowed to play professionally again: 31
Source: Zootoo Pet News.
Idle thought
"He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses." -- Horace, Roman poet
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)