Percentage of global citizens in 24 countries who think they need to live better, according to a survey by global research company Ipsos on behalf of Reuters News: 64
Percentage who say they wish they had a recipe or plan for living better: 81
Percentage of respondents who think living better requires a plan: 73
Percentage who think life just happens and that it is not something you can plan: 27
Source: Ipsos Global Public Affairs.
Percentage of parents worldwide who say they don't take time to have fun with their kids on a daily basis, according to report released by Oreo: 42
When they're spending time as a family, percentage who say that their families are distracted by technology: 49
Percentage of working parents who say their mobile devices and computer technology mean it is too easy to stay connected to work when spending time with family: 55
Source: Weber Shandwick.
Percentage of consumers who agreed that most funny car insurance ads were about saving money, according to a survey from Erie Insurance: 68
While respondents ranked coverage as the most important consideration when shopping for car insurance, percentage who admitted that the blitz of car insurance commercials focused on price have caused them to forget about coverage choices that affect how well they are protected: 74
Source: Erie Insurance.
Ranks of honesty and trust, hot sex, sense of humor, and money in the bank on the list of the most valued relationship qualities, according to a TouchTunes Interactive Networks survey: 1, 2, 3, 4
Ranks of bad breath, lack of skills in the bedroom and bad manners on the list of dating deal breakers overall: 1, 2, 3
Rank of a bad taste in music (28 percent) on the list of the top dating offenses for the 50-plus crowd: 1
Source: TouchTunes Interactive Networks.
If they had to choose one thing to live without, percentage of New Yorkers who would give up their coffee, according to a study commissioned by Time Warner Cable: 32
Percentage who would give up good bagels: 30
Percentage who would give up fast Internet: 3
Source: Time Warner.
Percentage of workers who said involvement in office politics is at least somewhat necessary to get ahead, according to a Robert Half survey: 56
Source: Robert Half International.
Year that the first telephone directory in the U.S. was published, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 1878
Number of subscribers in that first directory, published in New Haven, Conn.: 50
Number of names in the first San Francisco directory: 170
Today, estimated number of residential telephone lines in the U.S.: 76 million
Estimated number of business lines: 45 million
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Percentage of human resources managers who said their companies do not offer a formal orientation program to help prepare new staff, according to a survey from Accountemps: 34
Of those companies with a program, when asked to name its greatest benefit, percentage of respondents who said it helps employees better understand the company's values, guidelines and expectations: 35
Source: Accountemps.
Percentage of companies that were hit by attempted or actual payment fraud during 2011, according a survey released by the Association for Financial Professionals: 66
Percentage of times more often that larger organizations were targeted than smaller ones -- with a 22 percent higher average loss: 81
Source: Association for Financial Professionals.
Percentage of U.S. adults over 21 who say they drink wine several times per month, according to the results of a Harris Poll: 48
Percentage who say they usually purchase 4 or more bottles of wine per month: 22
Source: Harris Interactive.
Idle Thought
"The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas." -- Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate in chemistry
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre(at)