Percentage of Americans who spend their vacation days dealing with personal obligations -- such as family emergencies, doctor's or dentist's appointments -- or attending sick children or loved ones, rather than actually vacationing, according to a survey of Princess Cruises: 54
Percentage of Americans who say they find it more stressful to ask for a few extra days off than to ask for a raise: 22
Source: Princess Cruises.
Percentage of U.S. adults who have a predicted heart age that is older than their actual age, meaning they are at higher risk for heart attacks and stroke, according to a new CDC Vital Signs report: 75
Estimated number of U.S. adults between the ages of 30 and 74 who have a heart age older than their actual age -- that's about the number of people living in the 130 largest U.S. cities combined: 69 million
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Percentage of American adults who say it is OK to use a cellphone on public transportation, according to a Pew Internet and American Life survey: 77
Percentage who say it is OK at a restaurant: 38
Percentage who say it is OK at a family dinner: 12
Source: PEW Internet and American Life Project.
Percentage of men who think they are more attractive than their best friend, according to Skout's National BFF Day survey: 52
Percentage of men who say their best friend is a woman (vs. 35 percent of men whose best friend is a guy): 40
Percentage of women who say their best friend is a woman (vs. 24 percent of women whose best friend is a guy): 66
Source: Skout.
Year that several counties in a vast territory appended to North Carolina combined to seek admittance to the United States as the state of Franklin, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: 1784
Year that Franklin fell short of the votes in Congress for admittance, but existed for a few years as an independent republic: 1785
Decade that it was reabsorbed into U.S. territory -- the area now forms the northeast portion of Tennessee: 1790s
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Percentage of advertising and marketing executives who say a fellow colleague has tried to make them look bad, according to a survey by The Creative Group: 31
Percentage who said the best way to deal with it is to confront the other person: 41
Percentage who said the best way to deal with it is to alert the person's manager or human resources: 40
Source: The Creative Group.
Percentage of citizens surveyed in 24 countries who say there are too many immigrants in their country, according to an Ipsos global poll: 50
Percentage who say that immigration is causing their country to change in ways they don't like: 46
Against a backdrop where 81 percent of citizens indicate that over the last five years migrants have increased in their country, percentage who say immigrants make their country a more interesting place to live: 30
Source: Ipsos Global.
Rough estimate of the cost incurred by the average consumer in checking account fees each year, according to research by WalletHub: $470
Source: WalletHub.
Percentage of college students who admitted to skipping class, according to Core Principle's Class120 technology and Crimson Hexagon, which identified and analyzed more than 3.1 million tweets sent by students on the topic of skipping class: 87
Percentage of the Twitter posts that referenced skipping class to spend more time with their friends: 37
Percentage of students who tweeted that they were sleeping or too tired to go to class: 32
Source: Class120.
Percentage of Americans who say they drink alcohol, according to a survey by Gallup: 66
Percentage who report using a mood-altering drug nearly every day: 19
Percentage who admit to using marijuana: 7
Source: Gallup Organization.
Idle thought
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." -- Thomas Edison
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at