Percentage of the U.S. workforce that is out on family or medical leave on any given day, according to a survey by ComPsych: 10
Average time off on FMLA: 14.2 days
Ranks of surgery, pregnancy and bonding with a new child as the top three reasons for family or medical leave: 1, 2, 3
Source: ComPsych Corp.
Percentage of Americans who think it is unacceptable for employers to fire people for doing something that is not illegal outside of work, according to a survey by YouGov: 54
Percentage of Americans who say they have been fired or otherwise lost their job at some point: 37
Percentage who said they deserved it: 27
Source: YouGov.
Of workers who currently have a minimum-wage job or have held one in the past, percentage who said they couldn't make ends meet, according to a survey by CareerBuilder: 65
Percentage who said they had to work more than one job to make ends meet: 49
Percentage of workers at all salary levels who were not able to make ends meet during the past year: 19
Percentage of all workers who say they're in debt: 65
Year over year percentage increase in average holiday gift purchases by the wealthiest 10 percent of U.S. households, according to a survey by the American Affluence Research Center: 4
Estimated total gift purchases by these affluent households: $33 billion
Average holiday gift purchases estimated for each of the affluent households: $2,749
Average holiday gift purchases estimated for the average U.S. household: $687
Source: American Affluence Research Center.
Percentage of Americans who said "they were more scared of outliving their assets than they were of dying": 61
Percentage of people between the ages of 44 and 49 who said the same: 77
Percentage of those in their late 40s who had dependents who said the same: 82
Source: Convergex.
Ranks of Stephen King, James Patterson, J.K. Rowling and John Grisham on the list of America's favorite authors, according to a Harris poll: 1, 2, 3, 4
When asked which types of books (from a provided list) they've read over the last year, percentage of Americans who indicate that they've been filling their book bags with mystery, thriller and crime novels: 47
Percentage who have been flipping through history books: 33
Percentage who have been reading biographies/memoirs: 31
Percentage who enjoyed romance novels: 27
Source: The Harris Poll.
Percentage of non-IT professionals who say the technology field holds appeal for them, according to a Robert Half Technology survey: 75
Percentage who say what attracts them is the salary potential and job opportunities: 38
Percentage who said the appealing culture: 13
Source: Robert Half Technology.
Percentage of millennials (those born in the early 1980s to the early 2000s) who say they are "concerned" about their delay in saving and investing for retirement: 40
Percentage of millennials who have delayed the purchase of a home: 29
Percentage who have postponed a major purchase, such as an automobile: 26
Percentage who have had to return home to live with their parents: 19
Source: Investor Protection Institute.
Percentage of organizations that are in the process of transitioning their business-to-business payments from paper checks to electronic payments, according to research by the Association for Financial Professionals: 80
Percentage of organizations that would replace paper checks with electronic payments if there was a cost benefit of doing so: 66
Source: Association for Financial Professionals.
Idle Thought
"Be not too hasty to trust or admire the teachers of morality; they discourse like angels but they live like men." -- Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at