Rank of "failing to make eye contact" as the biggest body language mistake job seekers make during an interview, according to a CareerBuilder survey of employers: 1
Rank of "failing to smile": 2
Source: CareerBuilder.com.
Ranks of food and groceries, clothing, household items, takeout and shoes on the list of the top impulse purchases, according to a survey conducted for Slickdeals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Percentage of Americans who buy the candy at the checkout register: 25
Percentage who impulsively buy food after passing a nearby restaurant: 32
Percentage of Americans who buy a pair of shoes when they see them in the store: 25
Source: Slickdeals.
Number of Americans who plan to take family vacations this year, according to research from AAA Travel: 88 million
Percentage of millennials who are planning a family getaway, more than members of Generation X (39 percent) or baby boomers (32 percent): 44
Of families who will take a trip this year, percentage who plan to visit an international destination -- a 9 percentage point increase from just two years ago: 35
Ranks of Cancun, Mexico; Punta Cana, Dominican Republic; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Rome; and Dublin, Ireland, on the list of the most likely international destinations for families: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Source: AAA.
Percentage of U.S. homeowners who plan a home improvement project to save money, according to a Coinstar survey: 65
Percentage of DIYers who will create a budget and use cash on hand to pay for projects: 70
Percentage who say they've left a project incomplete because they ran out of money: 30
Source: Coinstar.
Percentage of Americans who report using their own vehicle to get around daily, according to a survey conducted by Ipsos on transportation habits: 75
Percentage of Americans who own at least one vehicle who say that there is nothing that would make them consider not owning a car/owning fewer cars: 39
Percentage who say they opt to walk every day to get places: 10
Percentage who get around using public transportation: 5
Source: Ipsos Public Affairs.
Percentage of obese Americans who say they suffer from foot pain and at times experience multiple foot and ankle conditions, according to a survey by the American Podiatric Medical Association: 81
Percentage of overweight Americans who say they experience foot problems: 74
Of those who experienced foot pain all or most of the time, percentage who said they would walk more if their feet didn't hurt: 79
Percentage who said they would exercise more: 72
Source: American Podiatric Medical Association.
Percentage of U.S. adults who strongly believe their spouse or partner is honest with them about money, according to a report from CreditCards.com: 52
Percentage who wholeheartedly believe they themselves are honest with their significant other when it comes to finances: 61
Percentage of all couples who say they never discuss their combined finance: 11
Source: CreditCards.com.
Ranks of "overall health and well-being" and "weight management" on the list of the top reasons Americans include more plant-based proteins in their diet, according to a Nielsen survey: 1, 2
Percentage of consumers who say that a balanced diet is key to healthy eating: 59
Source: Nielsen Analytics.
Percentage of Americans who are placing a higher priority on beefing up their emergency savings this year, according to a Bankrate.com report: 53
Percentage who are more motivated to pay down debt: 40
Source: Bankrate.com.
Percentage of CFOs who are at least somewhat active on social media, according to a Robert Half Management Resources: 77
Ranks of Facebook and LinkedIn on the list of the most popular social networks for financial executives: 1, 2
Source: Robert Half Management Resources.
Idle Thought
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." -- Plato
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at johnmacintyre@bwr.eastlink.ca.)