Percentage of employees who report they get distracted while working at their personal workspace, according to a survey by Poly: 99
Percentage who say that distractions make it tough to listen or be heard on calls: 51
Percentage who say it has an impact on their ability to focus: 48
Source: Poly.
Percentage of barbecue hosts who get nervous and panic about how to feed vegan guests, according to research by Sabra: 47
Percentage of vegans and barbecue guests with dietary restrictions who admit to sneaking their own food into barbecues to avoid having nothing to eat: 52
Source: Sabra Dipping Co.
Percentage of Americans surveyed who have a "work family" and, as a result, feel happier, according to research by Choice Hotels International Inc.: 90
Percentage who keep in touch with former colleagues: 86
Percentage of those surveyed who agree that they spend either the same amount or more time with their work colleagues as they do with their families at home: 59
Percentage of respondents who said they consider work relationships as important as their relationships at home: 65
Source: Choice Hotels International Inc.
Percentage of U.S. travelers who will travel as a couple this summer, according to a survey by TripAdvisor: 48
Percentage of vacationers who will be families: 37
Average length of trip: 1 week
Source: TripAdvisor.
Percentage of team sports athletes who say they use their strengths every day at work, compared to 63% of employees who didn't play team sports who say the same, according to research from Eagle Hill Consulting: 83
Percentage who say they trust their teammates, as compared to 55% of employees who didn't play team sports: 76
Percentage who said their work team is committed to success, as compared to 49% of employees who didn't play team sports: 73
Source: Eagle Hill Consulting.
Percentage of vacationers who are either currently planning or becoming more interested in taking a vacation to spend time with family or friends, according to an Ipsos survey: 84
Ranks of "natural environments and their wildlife," "national parks" and "architectural or historic sites" on the list of the kinds of vacation experiences Americans are interested in: 1 (tie), 3
Source: Ipsos Public Affairs.
Percentage of American adults who say they would support a nationwide mandate requiring solar panels to be installed on all newly built homes, according to a survey conducted by CITE Research on behalf of Vivint Solar: 70
If all new single-family homes built took advantage of solar energy, number of barrels of oil that would be saved annually: 12 million
Number fewer miles driven a year it would equate to: 12 billion
Source: Vivint Solar.
Percentage of urban shoppers who purchase groceries online for delivery, compared to 24% of suburban shoppers and 12% of rural shoppers, according to Acosta's The Urban Grocery Shopper: 57
Percentage of urban shoppers who buy groceries that are shipped (suburban 29%; rural 20%): 58
Percentage of urban shoppers who reported ordering groceries online at least once a week: 25
Source: Acosta.
Percentage of employees who are planning to leave their jobs in the next 12 months, according to a study commissioned by Spherion: 29
Percentage of millennials who report they are planning to leave their current jobs in the next 12 months: 38
Source: Spherion.
Percentage of U.S. adults aged 18 and over who are within three paychecks of needing to either borrow money or skip paying one or more bills, according to findings from a study by Northwestern Mutual: 30
Percentage who have less than $5,000 saved for retirement (down from 31% in 2018): 22
Percentage who have no retirement savings at all (down from 21% in 2018): 15
Source: Northwestern Mutual.
Idle Thought
"Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?' 'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him." -- George R.R. Martin, "A Game of Thrones"
(Readers can contact John MacIntyre at