DEAR DR. FOX: I would like to know if your homemade food recipe for cats would need any changes if urinary crystals are a problem for the animal.
My cat is refusing all commercially produced prescription cat foods, but I tried your recipe and he absolutely loves it. We have already seen changes for the better in his litter box. Should we make any changes to the recipe to address his urinary problems?
I have been feeding my dogs your recipe for many years, and they are healthy, shiny, lean and muscular. They are happy, and they love their food. -- P.V., West Palm Beach, Florida
DEAR P.V.: I am glad to hear your dogs are thriving on my home-prepared recipe, as posted at under “Dogs.” My feline recipe (under “Cats”) has given new life to many cats previously subsisting on dry kibble. Some cats are very finicky (and become addicted to their kibble!) so a gradual transition to the homemade food, or to a moist canned or rehydrated freeze-dried cat food (like The Honest Kitchen’s), is needed.
It is good that your cat is readily accepting my home-prepared cat food, especially since most special prescription diets for urinary crystals are very unpalatable for cats. There should be no concern as long as there is plenty of moisture in the food, and your cat is drinking water. If your cat does not readily rehydrate, you can make drinking water more appealing by boiling up a few pieces of chicken into a stew and storing it in the refrigerator, or by buying salt-free or low-salt chicken bouillon. Add a teaspoon of either to the cat’s water, which should be fresh every day.
Many cats do not like plain tap water, probably because of the chlorination and fluoride in our drinking water, which could contribute to thyroid and other health problems in humans and felines alike. (For details, see this post: We use a Zero water filter in our home and I can smell and taste the difference from what comes out of the faucet here in the Minneapolis area!
Until recently, Brucella canis was seen in the U.K. only in imported animals. But now, says U.K. Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss, the bacterial disease appears to be spreading from dog to dog through breeding with infected imported dogs. Though it rarely happens, B. canis can infect people, and the government is considering implementing a screening protocol. Regardless of mandates, Middlemiss recommends voluntary testing before importing and/or breeding animals. (Full story: The Telegraph, Sept. 18)
Veterinarians in Cyprus have repurposed leftover stocks of the COVID-19 antiviral drug molnupiravir to treat cats with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a disease caused by a different coronavirus that recently surged on the island, killing hundreds (potentially thousands) of cats. Veterinary scientists are sequencing FIP virus strains to see whether any specific variant caused the massive outbreak. (Full story: The Atlantic, Sept. 18)
Bumblebees were taught by researchers to open a puzzle box containing a sugar solution -- and bumblebees that observed that experiment subsequently used the same method to open the box 98% of the time, even after they discovered an alternative method. Bumblebees that observed bees trained to use both methods also learned both, but colonies eventually developed a preference for a single method. Researchers say the findings, published in PLOS Biology, suggest that social learning has a significant influence on bumblebee behavior. (Full story: BBC, March 7)
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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