DEAR READERS: When big fish eat little fish contaminated with pollutants, these chemicals accumulate in their bodies. This is called the food chain effect, and it occurs in farmed animals that aren't fed organically certified foods.
Even organic foods can be contaminated by chemical pollutants in the rain, air and dust, but at least the contamination will be minimized due to the soil remediation required before organic certification. The prohibitions on using anabolic steroid hormones and other pharmaceuticals to boost livestock productivity are another benefit.
This is why, from a holistic health and environmental perspective, we should all eat lower on the food chain, primarily consuming a plant-based diet. Consuming plants eliminates the risk of zoonotic (animal-to-human) diseases, provided the crops we eat are not contaminated with harmful bacteria such as E. coli from animal manure.
Human babies who are breastfed will benefit from their mothers eating lower on the food chain. A 1981 study concluded: "Nursing infants of vegetarian women whose diets are low on the food chain are exposed to less chemical pollution" (from "Pollutants in breast milk of vegetarians," J. Hergenrather et al, New England Journal of Medicine, March 1981).
The issue was studied further in a 2020 synthesis, whose abstract states, "On the basis of the current evidence, vegetarian and vegan mothers are capable of producing nutritionally valuable milk for their infants," adding that some mothers may require "appropriate supplementation" to fill any gaps (from "Vegan or vegetarian diet and breast milk composition: A systematic review," K. Karcz and B. Krolak-Olejnik, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2020).
Being vegan improves our health, and has also been shown to improve the health of dogs and cats when given properly formulated diets free of animal products. (For details, see the next item in this column!)
Veganism reduces the biodiversity loss and climate change associated with the animal farming and seafood industries and prevents the suffering of billions of animals destined for human consumption. With humans now numbering over 8 billion, we cannot live like carnivores -- or even omnivores -- without exacerbating the harms we have caused to planetary life and to ourselves.
In forthcoming columns, I will continue to address the global problems associated with the consumption of beef.
From a Sept. 11 post on "According to data from Future Market Insights (FMI), the vegan dog food market is currently worth $13.58 billion and has an estimated continued annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% for the next 10 years ... In contrast, the traditional, animal protein-based dog food sector has an estimated CAGR of 4.3% through 2033, according to FMI."
For the health benefits of vegan diets for dogs, see my post:
For the benefits for cats, see the study "Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors" (A. Knight et al, PLOS ONE, Sept. 13, 2023).
DEAR DR. FOX: This article examines and dispels the notion of “littermate syndrome” -- the myth that littermate pups should not be raised together because they get too attached and can have behavioral problems later in life. Link:
I haven’t observed this “syndrome” in dogs, nor in young wild coyotes or foxes, and have never heard about it in wolves. It’s a myth that needs to be put to rest once and for all. What is your opinion? -- M.B., Boulder, Colorado
DEAR M.B.: I agree with you. Adopting two pups -- or kittens -- from the same litter is a best-practice initiative that all animal shelters, adoption centers and rescue organizations should embrace. Dogs and cats are social animals, and far too many are left alone all day with no contact with their own kind -- and too little with their owners, who are away from home for hours on end.
I was very disheartened by a woman who was fostering a litter of kittens (my wife and I had rescued the pregnant mother cat) -- she insisted on adopting out the 12 kittens separately so they would "make better pets and bond with their owners." One kitten per owner/family. It took me a while to convince her otherwise!
I wonder about all the lonely, highly intelligent, social parrots in captivity, going nuts living alone and pulling out their feathers. But some have learned how to communicate with other parrots when "introduced" via videochat, and enjoy doing so for hours!
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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