DEAR READERS: This is Part 1 of a planned three-part series on this issue.
The continuing assaults by the cattle industry on wildlands, biodiversity, Indigenous peoples and wildlife, as well as the industry’s contributions to climate change and the risks it poses to consumers and public health, call for full accountability and change.
U.S. cattle ranchers have waged war on wolves and other predators for centuries, which ultimately disrupts the valuable ecological services these predators play in keeping deer and elk herds -- as well as forests -- healthy. All of this ultimately affects public health. (See
Worse, ranchers are often assisted in their wolf-killing efforts by government agencies. A disturbing article by Christopher Ingraham, published in August in the Minnesota Reformer, underscores the perpetuation of this insanity. The story is entitled, “USDA kills hundreds of Minnesota wolves to protect ranchers’ profits.”
Ingraham writes: “In 2022, there were 174 documented wolf deaths in Minnesota, according to the latest state Department of Natural Resources data. Of those, 142 were killed by a relatively obscure arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture called the Wildlife Services division. ...
“USDA officers kill more wolves in Minnesota than in all other states combined, according to the program’s annual reports. That work is effectively a government handout to ranchers, who receive publicly funded protection for their privately held livestock. The ranchers also receive cash compensation from state taxpayers for their lost cattle, which in 2022 totaled $100,000 for 78 wolf predation claims, or an average of about $1,300 per claim.
“While individual ranchers can experience significant losses if wolves repeatedly target their cows, the overall impact on the state’s cattle population is negligible. There are about 2.2 million cows in the state, according to USDA data. The five or six dozen documented and verified wolf kills in a given year amount to a few thousandths of 1% of the total population.
“But the USDA’s actions in response inflict a steep toll upon Minnesota’s wolves. The 142 kills amount to fully 5% of the state’s estimated wolf population.”
As confirmed by objective research on the subject, such lethal “wolf control” practices do more harm than good -- and can actually increase livestock losses! A 2014 study found that livestock mortality increased as wolves were killed, possibly because the killings spurred surviving wolves to mate more often.
From the study’s abstract: “The odds of livestock depredations increased 4% for sheep and 5% to 6% for cattle with increased wolf control -- up until wolf mortality exceeded the mean intrinsic growth rate of wolves at 25%. ... Lethal control of individual depredating wolves may sometimes be necessary to stop depredations in the near term, but we recommend that nonlethal alternatives also be considered.” (Study: R.B. Wielgus and K.A. Peebles: “Effects of Wolf Mortality on Livestock Depredations,” PLOS One, December 2014)
Many Americans still connect cattle ranching with the enchanting mythology of the Old West frontier, with its cowboys and its “manifest destiny.” But the much-romanticized cowboys, in reality, committed genocide and ecocide, exterminating Indigenous peoples and animals alike. They almost annihilated the bison to fatten the coffers of the cattle barons.
Similarly, the now-critical depletion of aquifers, the degradation of public “range” lands by cattle, the destruction of prairie grasslands and the draining of wetlands to raise feed for the livestock industry collectively amount to ecocide. This is compounded by pollution to the air, groundwater and drinking water from livestock fecal waste. The highly publicized climate-change contributions from livestock in the form of methane are but the tip of the iceberg -- or the animal waste-pile -- created by the global livestock industry and its hide-tanning subsidiaries.
According to one analysis, “About 85% of public lands in the western USA are grazed by domestic livestock, and they influence climate change in three profound ways: 1. They are significant sources of greenhouse gases through enteric fermentation and manure deposition; 2. They defoliate native plants, trample vegetation and soils, and accelerate the spread of exotic species, resulting in a shift in landscape function from carbon sinks to sources of greenhouse gases; and 3. They exacerbate the effects of climate change on ecosystems by creating warmer and drier conditions.” (Study: J.B. Kauffman et al, “Livestock Use on Public Lands in the Western USA Exacerbates Climate Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation,” Environmental Management, April 2022)
When purchasing beef at the local store, consider the full ethical and environmental cost -- to which we should add the expenses of monitoring, containing, preventing and treating the many diseases cattle can suffer. Some of these diseases can infect us and/or wildlife. (Study: R.S. Miller et al, “Diseases at the livestock-wildlife interface: status, challenges, and opportunities in the United States,” Preventive Veterinary Medicine, June 2013)
As the human population increases, along with livestock numbers and demand for meat, there will be predictable increases in diseases harbored by cattle and other farmed animals -- and even more zoonotic diseases challenging the human populace.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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