DEAR DR. FOX: You will be interested in this recent article from The Guardian, featuring an interview with John Vaillant, author of "Fire Weather: A True Story From a Hotter World."
Vaillant is quoted as saying: “We’ve given this Earth a fever. And the irony is that the fossil fuel industry is, in essence, a fire industry: We draw these substances from the ground at great expense so we can burn them. ... Fire has empowered us and enriched us beyond our wildest dreams. But the strange side-effect is that we’ve also empowered the climate. We now live in a world that is more explosively flammable than at any time in human history.” (Full story: The Guardian, Nov. 17)
What is your view? -- I.P., Swansea, Wales, U.K.
DEAR I.P.: I am glad that this issue is receiving more publicity, which may lead to more immediate government action around the world. I wrote years ago about this existential reality: the human-caused acceleration of the Earth’s metabolism.
Firmageddon -- the dying of fir trees that cannot withstand drought -- is now causing Firemageddon: unextinguishable megafires, with all the attendant death of wildlife, air pollution and lingering health effects on humans and other animal survivors. The loss of trees that absorb carbon dioxide and release the oxygen we breathe calls for massive reforestation, forest farming without pesticides and cessation of all commercial logging, hunting and trapping.
A carbon tax should be instigated on all human events with a big carbon footprint/energy use. These would notably include the proliferation of data centers; the increase in air travel; and big events like concerts, from Taylor Swift on down. This tax would fund reforestation and provide help for the rising numbers of people who fall victim to climate change.
In the U.S., rather than communicating by phone or Zoom over the Thanksgiving holiday, an estimated 50 million people traveled long distances by road. Another 30 million traveled by air. The pollution-causing, climate-changing consequences of burning fossil fuels to get them from here to there and back will be their negative Thanksgiving contributions. On top of that, most will not think twice about eating parts of a turkey, a pig or some other animal at their festive gatherings. The annual Thanksgiving ritual of U.S. presidents “pardoning” turkeys from being slaughtered is curiously termed. Should not the turkeys be pardoning us instead?
The Thanksgiving holiday itself is "not without controversy," per "Many Americans -- including people of Native American ancestry -- believe Thanksgiving celebrations mask the true history of oppression and bloodshed that underlies the relationship between European settlers and Native Americans. (Full story:
In my heart’s core, every day is a Thanksgiving of gratitude for all this good Earth provides to sustain my life, and all life, and for celebration when harm and suffering are prevented by our benevolence, vigilance and compassion.
Speaking of holidays, there is also Independence Day, with its loud fireworks that terrify animals. The noises cause roosting birds to fly off in panic, collide with branches and die. Many dogs and cats go into panic mode and suffer terror, as do some war veterans with PTSD. The added factors of air pollution and fire risk in drought-stricken communities are generally ignored, fire stations on emergency standby being a joke.
I am writing this on Nov. 20, and already I see vehicles passing by with severed fir trees tied to their roofs to be decorated in people's homes in celebration of Christmas, rather than several live ones (with roots wrapped) for planting to replace their toxic lawns.
The ethos of Christmas today seems more consumer-driven than ever, with shopping trumping the spirit of giving to those in need, including the homeless and the animals in our communities. Celebrating the birth of a holy child who was later crucified can center us in the spirit of self-sacrifice, but only if we step back from our capitalist habits.
Come January, suburban streets will be lined with dead brown fir trees waiting for the garbage pickup service. I see these corpses as evidence of how we are killing the Tree of Life. I want to pull the plug on all of this so we may properly reconnect and save the trees and, in the process, help the unseen and the voiceless. All the wildlife is falling victim to what we are doing to the environment and to ourselves.
In our family, every Oct. 4, we celebrate the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of the Environment, and commune with friends who care for animals as St. Francis did. We share vegan meals and send donations to nonprofit organizations doing something about our concerns.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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