Per a Nov. 16 news release from Reuters, "The European Union will extend glyphosate’s authorization for 10 years, even though its member states failed to agree over the active ingredient in Bayer AG’s Roundup weedkiller." (See full release here:
In my opinion, this ecocidal approval is a crime against humanity since glyphosate is linked with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and a host of other health issues in consumers. It is also a crime against nature, as the pesticide is a major contributor to the loss of biodiversity, especially of insects (particularly the monarch butterfly) and various insectivores. Furthermore, some “weeds” have become invasive “superweeds” when they evolved resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides.
Is this democracy and science at work, uninfluenced by the Big Ag and Big Pharma corporate interests? At least the European Commission has made this approval subject to certain new conditions and restrictions. These include a prohibition of glyphosate's pre-harvest use as a desiccant and the need for certain measures to protect nontarget organisms.
Similar conditions and restrictions are long overdue in the United States. In October, a Philadelphia jury hit Bayer/Monsanto with a $175 million verdict in favor of a cancer patient who claimed the company failed to warn about known carcinogens in Roundup. (Full story:, Oct. 29)
On the same website, see the related story, "International Glyphosate Study Shows Likely Cause of Explosion in Childhood Leukemia." Homeowners and municipalities should avoid using this herbicide on private property and public spaces, especially in parks and on children’s playgrounds.
Some pet food manufacturers, such as Earth Animal, are now testing their plant ingredients for this herbicide since the incidence of lymphatic cancer is on the rise in the canine population.
A decade after beginning a probe into the issue, the FDA is seeking to suspend the use of carbadox, a popular drug on pig farms. Branded as Mecadox, the drug is added to pig feed in pork farms across the country to combat infections and help fatten the animals up. As it turns out, those who consume animals who received carbadox could be at an increased risk of cancer. (Full story:, Nov. 7)
In the CBS article, reporter Alexander Tin writes, “It is not clear why FDA did not move to pull carbadox sooner after its 2016 warning, which came years after other countries moved to curb use of the feed ingredient. 'This action itself arrived long overdue. The European Union and Canada prohibited use of carbadox in 1999 and 2006, respectively, due to concerns about residues and the safety of workers handling the drug,' advocacy groups wrote in a 2022 letter to the agency, decrying 'craven industry efforts to put off the inevitable' ban."
DEAR DR. FOX: We are fostering a 3- or 4-year-old male brindle dog. He is a very sweet and loving dog. However, he will sometimes, for no reason, get frightened, cower and piddle without control.
At first, we thought it was triggered by a loud man’s voice, but it seems to be any time there is the slightest chance he thinks he is going to get in trouble. Even a slight change in someone's voice, female or male, sets him off.
He originally would just urinate when we returned home after being out for a while, so it feels like it’s getting worse. We are very consistent with his feeding schedule; he gets lots of positive reinforcement and two good walks a day.
Any insight you can provide is much appreciated. -- C.T., Jupiter, Florida
DEAR C.T.: Good for you, fostering this dog. The reaction that you describe may well be indicative of PTSD, the urination being a combination of fear and submission, probably from prior mistreatment.
Never scold for such reactions. Simply ignore and clean up with a natural liquid enzyme product such as Nature’s Miracle.
Give your dog 3 milligrams of melatonin at bedtime and a prescription from a veterinarian, such as alprazolam, after breakfast for three to four weeks. This could be of significant help in getting your dog settled and feeling more secure.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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