DEAR READERS: Gene editing could benefit dogs belonging to breeds that are prone to diseases of hereditary/genetic origin, but that remains to be seen, and would be costly either way. Certainly, DNA testing for such diseases in dogs and other animals is now an available, affordable and ethical use of this branch of biotechnology, utilizing it for the responsible breeding of healthier animals.
Please see the items below for more about this rapidly advancing field.
-- From The Guardian, March 24: "Pets could be subjected to gene editing under a new U.K. government act, the RSPCA has warned. The animal charity has said that the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act applies to all vertebrate animals, not only farmed animals, and that it could lead to cats and dogs being gene-edited to include extreme features." (Link:
-- From Lifeasible, an American company marketing animals subjected to this genetic engineering: "Dogs are currently one of the most used laboratory animals in basic medical research and teaching and play an important role especially in experimental studies of physiology, pharmacology and pathophysiology. Through whole-genome sequencing analysis of dogs, a total of about 19,300 genes have been identified, of which about 18,000 are identical to known human genes, and their genomes are more similar to humans than other laboratory animals such as mice. Dogs are also very similar to humans in terms of genetic diseases, with more than 360 genetic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, deafness, blindness, and immune nervous system diseases, which are identical to humans and suitable as model animals for humans’ disease research." (Link:
-- Back in 2015, my colleague Antonio Regalado reported on the first gene-edited pet dogs. They were a pair of very muscular beagles created in China, named Tiangou and Hercules. (Link:
-- From CRISPR gene editing unintentionally causes changes in gene regulation. (Link:
-- From BMC Biotechnology: "Generation of genome-edited dogs by somatic cell nuclear transfer." (Link:
-- From "In a world first, the U.K. medicines regulator has approved a therapy that uses the CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing tool as a treatment. The decision marks another high point for a biotechnology that has been lauded as revolutionary in the decade since its discovery. The therapy, called Casgevy, will treat the blood conditions sickle-cell disease and thalassaemia." (Note from Dr. Fox: An estimated price tag of $2 million per person is likely to limit who benefits from this treatment. Link:
The combined VMD/Master of Social Work degree available at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as the Human-Animal-Environment Interactions in Social Work certificate program at the University of Denver, are two examples of the recent growth of veterinary social work options.
This specialty started with the Center for Veterinary Social Work at the University of Tennessee more than two decades ago. The University of Tennessee program now runs a suicide prevention program for veterinarians and veterinary students, is working to broaden its original focus on compassion fatigue by emphasizing “intentional well-being,” and wants to be “a space for all professionals with an interest in human and animal welfare to come together to collaborate,” according to Bethanie Poe, associate director of education. (Full story: American Animal Hospital Association, Nov. 27)
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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