DEAR READERS: Please see the following release from Project Coyote (the organization founded by my daughter, Camilla Fox).
"Project Coyote is thrilled to announce the full public release of our documentary 'Killing Games: Wildlife in the Crosshairs,' directed and produced by Project Coyote Founder and Executive Director Camilla Fox. The film made waves across the country in recent years, winning numerous awards, reaching thousands of people at film festivals and public screenings, and helping to galvanize grassroots support for ending the barbaric practice of wildlife killing contests in targeted states.
"This groundbreaking expose examines the egregious events known as wildlife killing contests that massacre some of North America’s most iconic wild animals on any given weekend for prizes and 'recreation.' Wildlife killing contests award prizes (belt buckles, cash and assault weapons) to contestants who kill the largest or the most of a targeted species -- typically coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and even prairie dogs and crows. 'Killing Games' brings together a wide diversity of voices from conservationists, ranchers, public officials and Native Americans to shed light on these shadowy contests and speak out against this hidden war on wildlife. ...
"The film is now publicly available on Project Coyote’s YouTube channel (the full documentary and a 10-minute version) to continue raising public awareness about wildlife killing contests and the reform desperately needed to protect wild lives from this ethically indefensible bloodsport. We encourage compassionate wildlife advocates to share this film widely and consider hosting a film screening event -- especially in states with active campaigns to ban killing contests (Illinois, Nevada and New Jersey)."
DEAR DR. FOX: One day last September, my cat came down to the bottom landing of my stairs and meowed, telling me she had a problem and wasn’t going to eat. Sure enough, she didn’t eat, and she hid most of the day. She did eat some frozen raw food two days later, but that’s it.
I figured she had a serious physical problem. I took her to the vet and she had “good numbers,” which surprised me, but she also had fleas. I think her behavior was because she was scared of the fleas! I was given Nexgard, but I only used it for two months (I think you don’t like it and would advise a flea comb instead).
The day after the vet visit, she went down in the basement and stayed there, even though she doesn’t like being in the basement. She would not come up to eat, so I fed her there. The vet told me to wait it out, but after a few days, I encouraged her to come up to the landing, then the top of the stairs, and later to the edge of the kitchen. This went on until mid-November, when she would stay in the kitchen, confident that she wouldn’t get fleas.
Finally, in late November, she came out to the living room and jumped up on the CRT TV -- her favorite place. Her fear of fleas seemed to be over at last.
Have you heard of this? If so, how common is it? -- D.L., Maryland Heights, Missouri
DEAR D.L.: I have never heard of flea-phobia in cats before. But I can imagine the feeling: no escape from the jumping, sucking biters, which often trigger an allergic skin reaction with their saliva.
It is well known that cats with some ailment, such as a urinary tract blockage, will squat right at their owners’ feet and try to pee, obviously communicating their plight. Others just stop eating, and without food, cats can develop fatty liver disease -- a crisis calling for an immediate visit to the vet. Very often, the issue is tooth pain.
I always advise feeding cats on a strict schedule, so you know when their appetite is off, which could be an early warning of many problems.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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