DEAR READERS: A December article by AP reporter Steven Grattan, “Drought, fires and more battered the Amazon,” did not underscore two underlying contributing factors to the rainforest's destruction: namely, soybeans and beef. The burning and clearing of the forest for soybean and beef production, which has been going on for decades, has now changed the climate in this bioregion, putting the entire ecosystem in danger.
Countries that have imported soybeans and beef from Brazil over the years have contributed to this global calamity. In 2022, the top importer of soybeans was China ($54.1 billion worth), with much of it coming from Brazil. The United States imported $438 million of soybeans that year. China also imported nearly $8 billion worth of beef from Brazil that year, accounting for more than two-thirds of Brazil’s total beef exports. The U.S. was the second-largest importer of beef from Brazil, taking in about 100,000 tons of it.
All importing countries should be held accountable, and free- and fair-trade agreements should be based on environmental impact and social justice determinations.
DEAR DR. FOX: I have a question about spring water. I’m not asking for a brand recommendation, but what criteria should I use to narrow down my options? What spring water would you consider letting your animals drink? -- L.S., St. Louis
DEAR L.S.: You raise important questions: Where can we find pure drinking water, and is spring water acceptable?
I have raised several concerns about our water sources, from municipal tap water to well water to deep groundwater from springs and aquifers. Many of the latter are now seriously depleted and contaminated with agrichemicals (nitrate fertilizers in particular), and increasing salinity is a problem in many coastal regions. Municipal water can be high in chlorine, used to kill fecal bacterial contamination; in added fluoride; and in PFAs (”forever” chemicals) and microplastics. Some cats will refuse to drink water straight from the tap, choosing to wait for a while until the chlorine in it dissipates! For details, see my post here:
As for water sold in plastic bottles, think of the chemicals in the plastic going into the water, and the vast tonnage of plastic pollution created by the bottled-water industry (along with the rest of the beverage industry). Often, so-called “spring water” sold in plastic bottles comes from dubious sources!
I highly advise homeowners to invest in water purification systems such as reverse osmosis. For myself and my animal companions, I use the reputable ZeroWater filter pitcher (
Freshwater resources are being seriously depleted in many parts of the world, calling for greater conservation efforts.
DEAR READERS: Please see the items below regarding bird flu, an issue of growing concern. My advice: Keep cats indoors and do not feed them raw food!
Cats are at a higher risk of contracting bird flu because of their hunting habits, according to veterinarian Michael Bailey, incoming president of the AVMA. Recent outbreaks have affected domestic and large cats, with some showing neurological symptoms. Pet owners are advised to limit cats’ exposure to wild birds and raw foods. “We don’t know if the cats are more susceptible than anybody else,” Bailey said. “It’s just the fact (that) they’re exposed to higher viral burdens because of where they go.” (Full story:, Jan. 1)
Northwest Naturals has recalled certain batches of its turkey-based cat food after a cat in Oregon died from bird flu linked to the product. The FDA is investigating other cases of bird flu in cats across Western states, emphasizing the risks of feeding pets contaminated raw food. (Full story: NBC News, Dec. 30)
Los Angeles County health officials have identified a second raw pet food brand, Monarch Raw Pet Food, as containing bird flu, leading to the illness of five house cats. Health officials have warned against feeding pets raw food. (Full story: ABC News, Dec. 31)
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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