DEAR READERS: Every sentient being has a will to live -- the spirit that energizes the body and mind, which all combine to make a living soul. Holistic human and veterinary medicine consider the spiritual component in diagnosing and treating disease.
“Failure to thrive” is a recognized condition of the dispirited, who lose the will to live. This is common in wild animals after capture. In humans, conventional treatment for this condition is to prescribe antidepressants and other psychotropic pharmaceuticals that affect the mind, often to the detriment of the spirit.
Traditional shamanic and other integrative body-mind-spirit treatments have been marginalized, along with a holistic approach to healing, by drug-dependent conventional medicine -- the driver of Big Pharma.
Instead of raising farmed animals in biologically and spiritually/behaviorally appropriate environments, where they can experience and enjoy physical freedom and mental well-being, billions are confined in factory farms. The stress and distress are evident to any visitor observing these confined animals with empathy and an understanding of ethology -- animals’ normal behavior and needs.
The stress on these animals' bodies, minds and spirits makes them highly susceptible to disease, which then justifies treatment with antibiotics and other drugs. More profits for Big Pharma!
In open, safe fields, farm animals display freedom of spirit, often playing with and caring for each other. Those raised under humane husbandry practices are physically and mentally healthier than those in the factory farms of industrial agriculture.
California State Veterinarian Annette Jones has banned poultry and dairy cattle exhibitions from state fairs and shows to minimize risks that H5N1 avian influenza will spread to more people, poultry and livestock. Highly pathogenic avian influenza has already infected hundreds of dairy farms, millions of wild and domesticated birds, and dozens of people in the U.S. Dr. Jones says health officials “will continue to assess the threat over the next few months and rescind this ban if the situation changes." (Full story: Turlock Journal, Jan. 15)
I would add a ban on pigs at state fairs, especially the “Miracle of Birth” exhibits, where pregnant sows are brought in to deliver their offspring in public. This is highly stressful on these animals, and is a potential public health risk from swine influenza. A worst-case scenario is the highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus from cows and poultry infecting pigs, which would have devastating economic and animal welfare consequences.
The practice of exhibiting farm animals at state fairs needs more than close monitoring. Compassion and respect for these animals, along with public health concerns, warrant the practice's prohibition.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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