DEAR DR. FOX: A reader recently asked you how you deal with so much disturbing information. Your response mirrored the things I do: I like to look at my horses in the pasture, and in the evenings, I look for my friendly opossum and raccoons. The wild turkeys seem to know my voice when I greet them. They keep an eye on me, but don’t run away anymore. Once in a while, if I am lucky, I see a red fox or a coyote. The bird feeder is always fun, watching the many birds that eat there.
I don’t recognize constellations, nor do I play an instrument, but the peace I get from watching nature and animals is something I have enjoyed all my life. -- E.T., Edwardsburg, Michigan
DEAR E.T.: Thank you for sharing your examples of the spiritually renewing and healing experiences that animals and nature can provide.
You, and readers of like mind and spirit, will enjoy my just-published book, “One Health: Veterinary, Ethical and Environmental Perspectives.” It is a collection of reflective, critical, philosophical and practical chapters that represent my 60 years of experience as a veterinarian, ethologist and bioethicist.
The rising incidence of zoonotic diseases from farmed animals and wildlife in the expanding human population, and so-called reverse zoonoses where humans are infecting other species, are detailed in this book. These concerns are linked with anthropogenic climate change and our impact on ecosystems, which threatens biodiversity and the health and future of all species. The book examines these interconnected issues, broadening the scope and agenda of what is currently more narrowly practiced as preventive medicine. We need a greater emphasis on holistic, preventive, health maintenance in response to the escalating costs of human and companion animal health problems, the welfare of factory farmed animals, and the endangered status of many wild species. This will be a good read for all concerned about the state of the planet.
We are at a critical time on planet Earth, and we can all do something in our personal and professional lives to save the last of the wild, improve our health and stem the climate and extinction crises.
There was an alarming development at a January meeting of the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), a nongovernmental organization that sets regulations for pet foods. According to a post by Susan Thixton of
“The AAFCO meeting ends with a shocking announcement from the FDA. At the start of the Pet Food Committee session, the FDA announced that the new administration has prohibited the agency from participating in any event, and prohibited the agency from speaking to the public. At that point, all FDA representatives left the meeting. They did not answer any questions, they just left (even though they were scheduled to lead two different discussions during this meeting).”
The abrupt walkout was related to the memo referenced in this Associate Press item from Jan. 22:
"In a memo obtained by the Associated Press, acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dorothy Fink told agency staff leaders (on Jan. 21) that an 'immediate pause' had been ordered on -- among other things -- regulations, guidance, announcements, press releases, social media posts and website posts until such communications had been approved by a political appointee. ... Agencies subject to the HHS directive include the CDC, the National Institutes of Health, and the Food and Drug Administration -- entities that fight epidemics, protect the nation’s food supply and search for cures to diseases."
The AAFCO works for pet food safety in concert with the FDA and USDA -- an essential link that should be immediately reinstated, along with all other links between government and NGOs related to public health, environmental protection and consumer rights. Otherwise, there will be no effective regulation or oversight of corporate and industrial business practices, products and services.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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