DEAR DR. FOX: You have written about many serious political issues arising from the Trump administration. This is my question: How can those of us who care make a difference? I feel so helpless. It is all very depressing. -- B.K., Washington, D.C.
DEAR B.K.: These are challenging times for all who bear the burden of empathy. Even so, we can all do something to live conscientiously, benevolently and mindfully, and to beat depression and despair.
First, stay informed. Read attorney Jim Mason’s book “Madness” (see review below) and my book “One Health.” Visit Project Drawdown ( to find more sustainable ways to live.
Cut down on the time you spend on social media and gaming, and drop energy-consuming cybercurrency transactions entirely. Find alternatives to plastic food containers and grocery bags. Avoid plastic toys for infants and children. If you have a garden or lawn, get a permit to rewild it with indigenous grasses, flowers, shrubs and trees, and don’t use pesticides on your property.
Substitute videoconferencing for business travel. As for pleasure travel, there is some benefit to taking eco-tours in countries with high biodiversity. This supports local businesses that benefit from, and have an incentive to protect, their countries’ ecosystems. It also persuades policymakers that there is economic gain in taking positions against extractive industries.
Buy less, waste less, recycle, repair and donate to the needy. Give to nonprofit organizations such as Greenpeace, Project Coyote, the Environmental Working Group and Friends of the Earth. Consider helping local charities or volunteering at your local animal shelter.
Reduce (ideally, eliminate) your consumption of alcohol and highly processed foods. Salt- and fat-laden snacks and sugary beverages are metabolic disruptors. Prepare your own meals with organically certified fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables. Consider the suffering and environmental impact of animal factories and feedlots, and go vegan -- or at least vegetarian. I will guarantee the physical and mental health benefits!
Adopt a cat or a dog and spend quality time outdoors. Walk, walk, walk. Take up birdwatching and use your smartphone to identify wild plants and birdsongs. Pick up a musical instrument and jam with friends.
Join hands with others, nationally and internationally, who embrace equalitarianism, social and ecological justice and planetary CPR: conservation, protection and restoration.
If we are not willing and able to die for what and whom we love, then what purpose do we have? Be free, harm none, courageously speak truth to power, and celebrate the gifts of life.
“Madness: The Deep Driver of Our Climate Crisis; Lessons From My Family Farm” by Jim Mason
Attorney and author Mason vividly details his emotionally traumatic experiences of how animals were treated and killed while growing up on a farm, and how he became desensitized to their suffering. He expands on these memories to outline how the domestication, eventual confinement and increasing slaughter of animals for food and other commercial purposes -- along with the wholesale exploitation and desecration of nature -- have been the norm for civilizations past and present.
Humans have now reached the point, because of our numbers and the billions of animals raised for our consumption, where these norms have caused climate and extinction crises. This book explains this collective madness in succinct detail and offers solutions we should all embrace.
All who care about animals and nature will appreciate this contribution to understanding our planetary responsibilities. Those who care mainly about their own health and well-being should still follow Mason’s journey and discover the healing power of empathy and compassion for all creatures great and small.
(Send all mail to or to Dr. Michael Fox in care of Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
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