You’ll have mixed feelings regarding your work and professional goals. Listen to your heart, but be realistic about your dreams. Go to the experts and determine what’s best for you. Too many choices will lead to confusion. Don’t fold under pressure or give in to emotional manipulation.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Personal progress should be your priority. Check online job sites and adjust your resume to fit the requirements needed to get you where you want to go. Nurture important relationships.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Take on a challenge with gusto and play to win. Utilize your time wisely, and push to be more productive and get good results. Don’t get angry, get moving.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Someone will challenge you at your weakest moment. Don’t go out of your way to accommodate others. Get your own house in order before you venture into someone else’s territory.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Share your concerns or plans with someone you live or work with. The suggestions he or she makes will help you figure out how to move forward without taking on too much physically or financially.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Aim to please and avoid complaints. You may crave change, but sticking to familiar surroundings will be in your best interest. Tidy up loose ends before you start something new.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Do some research or take a course that could help you make money doing something you enjoy. You are responsible for your own happiness. Do not undermine a possibility that could set you free.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Take an interest in self-improvement and healthy lifestyles. Question anyone who has been a poor influence in the past. It’s up to you to say no to bad habits.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Call in favors. Put love and romance at the top of your list. Celebrate and discuss plans to move forward personally and professionally. A child or elder will offer interesting advice.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Emotional problems will crop up if you deal with institutions, authority figures or someone who doesn’t like the choices you are making. Don’t believe everything you hear.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Walk away from anyone behaving erratically or extravagantly. Offer advice, but don’t feel guilty or compelled to take charge. Put your money, energy and time into personal gains.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Rely on people who have helped you in the past. Share information that will encourage insight and greater opportunity to tidy up unfinished business. Don’t settle for less than what you want.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Make love and romance priorities. Look for common interests with a loved one and discuss ways to improve your relationship by working together to reach your shared long-term goals.