by Eugenia LastAdvertisement
About Astro-Graph
Each Astro-Graph includes a mix of sound practical advice, carefully calibrated predictions and age-old wisdom, all in tune with the current celestial moment.
Eugenia Last also writes the syndicated columns The Last Word in Astrology, Dear Eugenia, Lovescope, and Astro Advice Weekly.
About Eugenia Last
Born and raised in the Toronto area, Eugenia Last attended Alma College in St. Thomas (Ont.), Institute of Astrological Studies and Humber College. Being reared by a Romanian/Ukrainian family who had a strong belief in astrology made this art a natural fit for her as a career. Last began forming a client base during her second year of college and started to write for local newspapers in 1979.
Greater recognition followed. By the mid-1980s, Last had her own radio show and was a featured guest on numerous radio and television shows. Gathering her knowledge, Last published her own book at the end of the decade. Last's syndicated column The Last Word in Astrology has been distributed by Andrews McMeel Syndication since 1997, running in more than 300 newspapers and online outlets worldwide.
Last also writes the syndicated columns Dear Eugenia, Lovescope, Astro Advice Monthly, and Astro Advice Weekly. For more than two decades, Last has written yearly books offering the only day-by-day horoscope guide for each of the signs, as well as a practical guide to astrology, based on her philosophy. Last's leading astrological website, www.astroadvice.com, is available in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, simplified Chinese and Japanese. She also maintains a blog at eugenialast.com/blog.
For years now, astrology has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and misused by being associated with psychics and the occult. Astrology is first of all a mathematical science and secondly an interpretive art. I am conclusively trying to teach people that astrology is not a predictive subject, but one that deals with self-awareness, personal insight, growth and timing. I want to bring my subject to you in an educational, entertaining and motivating manner.Says Last.
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