DEAR ABBY: We live in Las Vegas. Now and then family members in Europe contact us to let us know their adult children will be visiting Vegas and would like to see us. We are retired and would enjoy taking these "youngsters" out for breakfast or lunch on the Strip. But what usually happens is, we wait and wait and receive no call until their departure, then hear all kinds of excuses about why they couldn't call earlier. This has happened three times now, and our question to you is: What are we supposed to say when they make their departure call? -- READY TO WELCOME IN VEGAS
DEAR READY: It is telling that when you receive the initial phone call, it comes from the parents rather than the "kids." This is what you should say when the "youngsters" call: "Oh, we're so sorry you couldn't fit us into your busy schedule, but we understand. Hope you enjoyed your visit. Let us know when you'll be back in town. Bye!" Then forget about it!