DEAR ABBY: When I was a junior in high school, I sustained a neck injury (at school) that damaged my spinal cord. I recovered mostly from that, but I have residual weakness in my right side and severe neck pain. I was able to work until, at 57, I had to go on disability. Because of that, my financial situation is difficult, increasingly so now that my wife will be retiring.
At the time of my injury, my parents didn't sue the school, although clearly the school was responsible. I was too young and certainly in no shape to address the situation.
A lawyer approached my parents at the time, and my physician stated my injuries would limit my long-term work abilities and drastically affect my life. My parents were aware that I would have limited work years, thus affecting my financial situation. I feel anger toward them because of their inaction regarding my injury and not suing the school.
I see them once or twice a week, and I'm wondering if I should bring this up to them now. They're in their mid-80s but are quite lively and take care of themselves. It consumes my thoughts each time I visit them, but I've said nothing. Do you think I should bring this up to them? -- INJURED IN TENNESSEE
DEAR INJURED: Yes, I do. You deserve to know why they were so apathetic in taking care of your welfare -- and they should be made aware of the impact it has had on your life. It may be too late to sue the school for what happened to you, but at least you will have some answers.