DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: Ever since my friends got divorced they have gotten along better than even when they were dating. When we’re all together it seems like they are flirting with each other, even though they are both with someone else.
Is all this normal? --- BETTER APART THAN TOGETHER
DEAR BETTER APART THAN TOGETHER: It’s not uncommon for a divorced couple to get along much better once they’re no longer together. I think it’s a sign that both parties are at peace with the end of their marriage and are in a better position to move on with their lives than those who harbor anger and resentment at their ex-spouses.
As their friend, aren’t you glad they’re both able to continue as part of your social circle? With an amicably divorced couple, it seems less likely to me that anyone has to choose sides, and if the ex-couple and their new partners are good with being around each other, hopefully their friends will be too. It may be awkward at first, but that should eventually fade away.