DEAR NATALIE: I got married over the weekend in a small, intimate ceremony in my hometown. It was a wonderful time with 50 of our closest friends and family members attending. This was the second marriage for both me and my husband and we wanted to keep it romantic but laid back. But not so laid back that people felt like they could show up whenever they wanted. Case in point: My younger sister was 40 minutes late to the ceremony and missed my wedding completely. She claimed she was stuck in traffic, but I could smell wine and I think she was drinking with some friends before heading over to my wedding and lost track of time. I confronted her about this and she was very upset with me. She told me that she didn’t understand what the big deal was, “after all this was my second time around.” That really hurt me. She is always late, anyway, but to miss my whole ceremony and then brush it off felt incredibly hurtful. She wants to get together this weekend. I think she feels embarrassed by how she behaved. I love her, but we’ve always had a tense relationship because she thinks only of herself. How can I move beyond this so that we can get back to having fun together? I feel like I’m unable to move forward and refuse to sweep this under the rug. – LIL SIS MESSED UP
DEAR LIL SIS MESSED UP: You should get together this weekend as planned and just let her know what is on your heart. You are right. You can’t move forward and have a meaningful relationship if you feel hurt and disrespected by her actions. Being ten minutes late to a dinner is one thing, but being 40 minutes late to your wedding is entirely something else. You need to give her the opportunity to apologize so that you can both move forward in friendship and love. If not, this is going to create resentment and bitterness – and life is just too short for that when it comes to your family.
DEAR NATALIE: I have been struggling with my husband, bless his heart, who does not take control of his own healthcare or disease prevention. He is diligent with both his dental and mental healthcare, making regular appointments and check ups. But he won’t budge on making annual appointments for himself with a PCP, dermatologist or any other professional that he may need to see. We are both in our mid 30s and I know that getting screened and monitored at this age is important for early detection of many diseases. I’ve offered to call and make appointments for him, but I really don’t want to mother or enable him or make him depend on me to do this in the future. How can I talk about this with him and make sure that he gets the care he needs? – WORRIED WIFE
DEAR WORRIED WIFE: It can be very challenging to deal with a spouse that won’t seek medical care when they should. How does your husband’s mind work? Does he appreciate facts and figures? Would it help to pull up statistics on how more younger people (under 45) are being diagnosed with colon cancer than ever before? Is he a “tug at your heart strings” kind of guy where reminding him that you love him and want to grow old together could be the thing that changes his mind? Or, is this an ultimatum scenario where he either gets it together or sleeps on the couch for the foreseeable future? You are not his mother and I don’t blame you for not wanting to take on these kinds of responsibilities, but sometimes people need a push in the right direction to overcome their fears. And perhaps fear is at the heart of this. Can you ask him what he’s afraid may happen if he goes to a doctor? I find it interesting that he goes to the dentist (something that a lot of people often put off for various reasons) and that he takes care of his mental health but won’t see a PCP. Ask him what makes those situations different in his mind. Maybe if you can meet him where he’s at you can work through whatever block there is so that he can take control of himself and be the man you need and know him to be.
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