DEAR NATALIE: My best friend’s boyfriend is cheating on her. My friend and I saw him with another woman and we took a photo of them kissing without them knowing. We shared it with our friend in a group chat the next day. We thought she would be happy to know, as she had suspicions about him for a while. Well, she was angry. Not at him – but at us! She said we “faked the photo” because we wanted to “ruin her relationship.” She told us that her boyfriend said that we used some editing software to make us look bad. Look, we live in a small town and we know that the truth will come out eventually, but now she has blocked both of us. What can we do to get her to see that he is a total jerk and she would be better off without him?
DEAR FRIEND LOST HER MIND: This is the moment where you realize that no matter what you do, she is going to pick this man over your friendships. Let her. Unfortunately, some people need to come to terms with what they are willing to sacrifice just to have a man in their lives. It’s sad, it’s pathetic and it doesn’t have to be this way. However, your delivery of this photo could have been done better. She may have felt embarrassed by you sending it to her in a group message. Give her a little grace for being defensive and also keep the door open for a potential reconciliation. But, until she learns that a man doesn’t validate her existence, then there isn’t much you can do.
DEAR NATALIE: A friend of mine recently went through a breakup with her partner of four years. Although it was very obvious that it was best for them to split up, he initiated the break up, which crushed her. Since then, she has been nothing but needy and stuck in a deep, dark place of feeling sorry for herself. She moved out of their shared home into a new apartment. She refuses to hire anyone to help her with odd jobs and only begs for support from the other husbands in our female friend group. She only wants to vent and take up space in our group chat without receiving and internalizing thoughtful advice and support offered from others. Do I have a right to be frustrated or am I being too tough on my friend? – CAN’T DEAL WITH HER
DEAR CAN’T DEAL WITH HER: Breakups can be extremely painful and often bring out the worst in people. She is just spiraling right now and there isn’t much you can do for her in this state. You’ve tried advising her, consoling her and supporting her, so there isn’t much left that you can do other than standby. You are allowed to take a break from her. You don’t have to “ice” her out, but you don’t have to answer every time she calls if you catch my drift. Providing yourself some much needed distance from the situation is healthy. At the end of the day, she is the one that will have to pick herself up and decide how she wants to move forward in the world. Everyone is dealing with their own battles and if she can’t reciprocate to check on her friends and see how they are doing, then this isn’t a friendship, anyway.
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