DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My Grandpa told me that despite his being nearly 80, he still plans to make his annual visit to his hometown later this year. I know he knows what’s going on these days, and he still doesn’t care. Right now, he plans to fly, but I’m trying to convince him that since my classes are all on-line, I can go with him if he is willing to make it a road trip.
This has been a tough year for him. Not only has he had to spend most of it stuck in his house, but he lost two of his best friends, which I know is making him feel even more strongly about seeing the old friends he still has left in his hometown.
Every time I make my offer to go with him, he gets upset and thinks I’m treating him like a little kid. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I see this as a chance to spend some time with him, especially while he is so down.
What can I do to convince him my traveling with him is a good thing? --- READY FOR A ROAD TRIP
DEAR READY FOR A ROAD TRIP: I think your going along with him is a terrific idea, especially if you’ve had more experience in how things are done — or at least should be done — during the current pandemic.
Perhaps you ought to let your grandfather know how much you too need the morale-boosting change of scene that goes along with even a short road trip. Then, pack a good supply of masks, hand sanitizer, and if you can find or improvise any, disinfectant sprays or wipes.
You also might want to get up to speed on what health and safety measures are in place where you’ll be heading. It’s possible that retirement or nursing centers could still be limiting their residents’ exposure to those outside the building, and if any of your grandfather’s friends are living in one, he may not have the visit he’s hoping for.