DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: After months and a holiday season of staying mostly in my home, I am finding it hard to think about getting back out in the world.
My job was always split between my home office and main office, so it wasn’t that big a deal to go remote fulltime. What is beginning to scare me is that I can’t shake how comfortable I have gotten keeping mostly to myself.
I’m young and healthy enough to be on the bottom of the vaccination barrel, but even when I get it, will I be a wuss for still not wanting to go out too much? --- COMFORTABLE AT HOME
DEAR COMFORTABLE AT HOME: Based on how other people I know seem to be feeling, you have a lot of company in your ambivalence about returning to “normal”. So, no, I don’t think you’re at all a wuss.
My guess is you and the rest of us will need time to adjust to a post-COVID-19 world. There’s no doubt some aspects of daily life will be slower than others to get back on a more familiar track; and certainly some things will have changed forever.
It took us awhile to get used to living through the pandemic. Now it will take time for us to adjust to life in what will undoubtedly be a long and sometimes painful recovery.
I see no harm in taking the time you need to be comfortable stepping back out into the world beyond your front door.