DEAR SOMEONE ELSE'S MOM: I put together boxes of gifts for my grandkids and then sent them off in what I thought was plenty of time for them to get them by Christmas.
What I didn't realize at the time was I had reversed two of the numbers on the label I printed up for the box for my daughter's stepchildren, and it took nearly two weeks from when I sent it out until it was returned to me.
I know it was my mistake, but my son-in-law told my daughter I did it on purpose because I don't like him and his kids. He can be annoying, but I consider his children my real grandkids and love and treat them the same as I do the ones born into the family.
I resent the package Priority Mail Express, which wasn't cheap, and it got to their house on the Sunday before Christmas.
My son-in-law is still steamed with me and no matter what my daughter tells him, he said he thinks I'm petty.
Who's the petty one here? --- AN HONEST MISTAKE
DEAR AN HONEST MISTAKE: I'm trying to follow your son-in-law's logic, and I confess it eludes me.
In this case, I believe the problem is your son-in-law's since you owned up to your mistake and did what you could to correct it as soon as you knew what happened. I'm not sure what else there was for you to do, or even if there was something else that would've satisfied your son-in-law.