DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My daughter just turned 22 and she has yet to have so much as a casual boyfriend. She and her single friends go out either in a big group, or they get together at one another’s homes.
By my daughter’s age I had already had a couple of serious boyfriends and had started dating my future husband.
I worry that she is missing out on what I found was both a fun and educational part of life.
Should I be worried? --- MOTHER OF A LATE BLOOMER
DEAR MOTHER OF A LATE BLOOMER: No, I don’t believe you need to be worried about your daughter’s not yet having been in a romantic relationship. She and her friends are choosing to make their own way, at their own pace.
Many young people these days are focusing on a variety of aspects of their lives rather than looking for love, and that’s okay. It can be a good thing, as a matter of fact, for people to have a better sense of themselves and where they want to go in life before they consider sharing that life with someone else.