DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I know our parents had a lot, a lot of problems in their marriage, so none of us were surprised when they got divorced. My sister and I were honestly relieved because we could see how miserable they were together.
What we didn’t know until our grandmother told us was that what caused the final breakup was our dad having an affair with the woman he is now married to. When we first met her, our father told us he had known her for about 20 years, but we thought they didn’t start going together until sometime after the divorce.
Our grandmother knows our new stepmother a long time too and told us she had run through a lot of men, some of them married like our dad.
This got us thinking that if she cheated with our dad while he was still married to our mom, what will keep her from cheating on our dad too? --- NOT A GOOD THOUGHT
DEAR NOT A GOOD THOUGHT: I’m guessing that if your father has known his new wife for a long time, it’s likely he has an idea that she’s had relationships with other men.
While it’s natural to be concerned about his future happiness, your worrying about what may or may not happen within his marriage won't accomplish anything except perhaps set up a tension between you and your new stepmother, and by extension your father.