DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I am 62, active, and in great health. Early last year I slipped on some black ice and ended up falling and getting hurt. The weird thing about it is it was a day above freezing with clear sidewalks everywhere except where I missed the patch of ice that had formed on a shaded part of the asphalt.
I was badly banged up and it took time and good physical therapy to get fully back to normal.
Ever since my accident my kids treat me like I’m made of glass and practically ready for assisted living. When I’m out with them they make me take an arm to make sure I don’t fall again.
For Christ’s sake, it was a freak accident that could have happened to anyone at any age. I hate that my kids think I’m on some kind of downhill slide and suddenly an old lady.
It gets me so angry. What do I have to do to prove to my kids I’m not ready for a nursing home just yet? --- NOT THERE YET
DEAR NOT THERE YET: The good news is your kids care about you. Sadly, that’s not always the case for some parents.
In this instance, your getting injured may’ve been the first time your children saw that their mom is not invulnerable.
I believe your best defense against their anxiety is to keep being active and make sure your kids know you’re doing everything you can to stay strong and healthy.
They’ll still worry, but look at it as positive payback for all the worry equity you invested in your children while they were growing up and getting their own starts in life.