DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My parents have never smoked, and all but two of my friends also don’t smoke. So when my in-laws, both smokers, come to visit, all I can smell is cigarette smoke on their clothes, which ends up in our guest sheets and even on our sofa.
If our kids spend the weekend with them, I smell the smoke on their clothes and have to wash everything they packed, even if they didn’t wear it.
I will say my in-laws never smoke around the kids or my husband or me. They step outside to smoke when they are around us, but as soon as they come back inside, I can smell the smoke. Maybe I just happen to be very sensitive to it because it’s never been much in my life except through my in-laws.
My in-laws are great parents and grandparents. They would be even greater if they didn’t smoke.
Am I being petty complaining about this one thing about them that drives me nuts? --- CAN’T STAND THE SMOKE SMELL
DEAR CAN’T STAND THE SMOKE SMELL: I don’t believe expressing a dislike for the smell of cigarette smoke makes you petty. You’re entitled to your feelings on the subject, and it doesn’t sound as if you’re making any demands on your in-laws regarding their smoking.
Perhaps when your children go to visit their grandparents, they could have their clothing packed in resealable plastic bags so that items they don’t wear are less likely to pick up the smoke odor.
It’s a small step that’ll perhaps make your life a little easier after visits to your in-laws.