DEAR ABBY: My problem is my husband's driving. Whenever another motorist breaks one of the highway courtesy rules and cuts in front of my husband, or passes him when another car is coming in the opposite direction, my husband has to get back at him. He'll pull up real close to him, or he'll immediately pass him to let him know that he is not going to let him get away with anything.
Sometimes he doesn't like the way a truck driver is driving, so he'll start playing games with him. I get scared half to death and beg him not to take such foolish chances, but he insists that he's going to "teach them a lesson."
We've had a few minor scrapes and several close calls, but nothing really serious yet. He argues that he is a safe driver, but to me, that's not safe.
What's the matter with this 33-year-old baby? How can I make him realize that that kind of driving is not safe? -- WORRIED IN OREGON
DEAR WORRIED: Part of my definition for maturity is ... "the ability to bear an injustice without wanting to get even." Your husband isn't mature. Just keep on nagging him to let the other guy have the road -- unless he's trying to beat him to the cemetery, and take you with him.