DEAR ABBY: My mother married when she was 15. She had six children. When she was 36, she got a divorce and announced that it was time she lived her life as she saw fit.
Mom always kept herself in great physical condition. For the last two years she has been dating a man who is 33 years her junior. Mom's son is four years younger than her boyfriend! This repulses me. I do not want my younger children around such craziness.
This part I can handle, but my siblings are planning a family reunion this summer. I have not seen some of my brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews for six years. My mother plans to attend this reunion with her young lover. I believe it is totally inappropriate to flaunt her carefree lifestyle in the presence of these young people.
I don't know how to handle this. If Mom insists on bringing her boyfriend, my husband refuses to go. Please help me. -- ASHAMED AND HEARTBROKEN
DEAR ASHAMED: If your husband refuses to attend the family reunion because your mother and her young boyfriend will be there, tell him you'll miss him.
As adults, your mother and her boyfriend are entitled to make their own decisions. "Judge not, lest ye be judged."